Crun - Custom run (For Rofi)

Crun is a Rofi plugin used to run custom applications. As opposed to desktop files, this allows quick configuration in ~/.config/rofi/crun.json (See provided sample configuration).

This plugin can be used to run various tools that would normally be run via terminal or the run Rofi module. The point is to avoid the run history or the repeated typing of long CLI commands.


# Clone & compile the plugin
git clone
cd crun && cargo build

# Make directory for plugin library & configuration file
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/rofi
mkdir ~/.config/rofi

# Copy the library (plugin) & the configuration (example)
sudo cp target/debug/ /usr/lib/rofi
cp crun.json ~/.config/rofi

# Run the plugin
rofi -show crun -modi crun

Example of the configuration file:

        "name": "YouTube",
        "bin": "/usr/bin/brave",
        "args": [""]
        "name": "GitHub",
        "bin": "/usr/bin/brave",
        "args": [""]
        "name": "AVD - Mobile",
        "bin": "/opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator",
        "args": ["-avd", "mobile"]

Note that for easy & quick access it can be bound to a shortcut. In the case of I3VM:

bindsym $mod+s exec --no-startup-id rofi -modi crun -show crun -font 'Source Code Pro 12'